This series of textile works is based on personal connections of the artist. For her, they are sentimental landscapes, related to memories, texts about the land and about the textile history of the ‘weaver’s town’ where she grew up. Her grandfather toiled every day in a textile factory on a loom, perhaps concealing his dark, undiscussed past in his fabrics. Poor textile workers chewed white fiber scraps as a substitute for expensive plum tobacco. What does it mean to work on a loom that comes from that same time and place? In a playful and relaxed way, Rosa interweaves memories of her homeland with special materials into integrated patterns, which suggest repetition and at the same time change over time.

During the summer of 2021, Rosa spent five weeks in an art residency in Denmark, in a rural village called Unnerud (Sjælland). Arriving there quite spontaneously without a plan, she was very inspired by the agricultural surroundings, including beautiful grain fields. It made her wonder how to relate to this land as a temporary resident. And, how would her relationship to it differ from a local farmer who works on their land everyday? The works made during this period are material based explorations of these questions. Each work has a slightly different context, question or process woven through it - read more about by clicking on the works.